Wednesday 13 February 2019

KL New Year Run, Brooks KL City Run, Desa Park City Run 2018

We had our annual new year celebration with none other than KL New Year Run 2018, 3rd year running. Brooks KL City Run, happened mid year was another fruitful family event for us where we managed to secure some podium spot and of course an introduction to running for Qaisar and Naela at Desa Park City Run 2018. Modest, but nonetheless fruitful running event with the fam.

KL New Year Run 2018

3rd year running. Kids were still excited to wear the official running tee, because, not that they have many yet anyway. I was still on my off form. Short race also didn't feel all too easy. My heart rate got quite high. Average HR was 161, average effort was 86%. Even my Twincity marathon 2019 was at 91% effort level only. But it was a good race nonetheless. The kids got better each year. I was mostly with Qaid up to the end, had him finish, then went back for Qays for his finish. Qays took the opportunity to get away from me midway, in order to avoid being pushed by mama. The event had 21km for the first time. So the event got very big that year. Plus, what better way to celebrate new year other than with running. A very good way to pump up your new year, hoping for a high energy level through out the year as well. Bumped into friends and family at the finish as well. Hubs best buddy did his first running event as well, which was unthinkable of him to do prior to that.

Most important thing, we managed to secure some position as well. We only managed to clinch number 4, and lost our top 3 position the first time. All the same contender like previous, but they got stronger and we cannot keep up with their progression. But that was good enough still. May we have better luck next time.

Brooks KL City Run 2018

This was the first event that year. Having Brooks as the title sponsor was already enough to garner enough attention. It turned out to replicate KL New Year Run. I think the organiser is even the same. Nonetheless, we definitely enjoyed our terpodium finish experience. Modus operandi was the same. Carried one kid to the finish. Went back and carried another. And this terpodium session was the best ever where we managed to clinch the champion for family fun run category. Must have been the lack of participation luck. And boy aren’t we glad we got one cause that was our last podium finish since.

Desa Park City 2018

Last but not least, the Desa Park City 2018. This was the first event that we had for the kids back then, the eldest 2 when they were 6 and 4 year olds. We didn't have any for the kids afterwards, not sure what happened. But I bumped into the race listing again last year and wasted no time and signed them up. Special appearance is for Naela, who had made her first appearance in the running scene. Specifically went to look for shoes, and running pants and top for her. They were joined by their cousin as well. 

There was some issue at the starting. We were there at the starting line, and I really thought that the starting time was supposed to be at different time. There were people already lining up, but I thought they were just getting ready and was willing to wait long in line. And then suddenly, the horn was blown. The elder kids category had started way before it should. It turned out that they changed the timing on their facebook page and not on the event page. Gosh, how much checking did we have to do. 

So it was quite disappointing for the kids knowing that they were all so excited but had to start from the back, far from the others. But they did well and they finished strong. Next up was the smaller kids. So it was supposed to be a bigger deal. Qaisar, being only 5 year old then, was small enough himself, but had to look out for the baby sister. While the sister on the other hand, would have her first aggressive encounter. No parents should be aloud by right, else, what's the fun in it. They both lined up well, few unsuccessful flag off attempts since there was some commotion at the start, but it started well at the end. Without properly planning it, Qays had somehow managed to squeeze himself in, and he had accompanied Naela in the race. So they both hold each other up to the end. It was a mere 600m, but it sure was a good thing to have someone guiding Naela out. And Naela herself, ran all so gracefully. Perempuan sangat. Qaisar on the other hand, surprised us much. He had his game face on, totally determined and focus. and managed to finish strong. 

It was a good event and exposure for the kids. Qaisar been nagging to join us for runs, and they really did it.

KL New Year Run 2018

Date: 1 Jan 2018
Venue: Dataran Merdeka
Distance: 5 km
Position: 4
Official Time:36:07
Personal Time: 36:07
Pace: 7:13

Brooks KL City Run 2018

Date: 4 Nov 2017
Venue: Putrajaya
Distance: 21 km
Position: 70
Official Time:2:17:50
Personal Time: 3:04:26
Pace: 8:41

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