Monday 29 July 2019

The comeback races: SCKLM 2018 with MWM tuneup.

2017 was kind of my dark moment in running. And lucky enough, within January 2018, things turned around quite favourably.

Will not dwell on what happened in 2017 so much. You can always refer again here. I had a short 5 weeks to recover what I had lost in 2017 to have my first decent half at the beginning of 2018. The 15.9km run within 2:10:06 at 8:11 pace was the moment of truth run that I knew for sure that what I had was not overtraining but a medical condition. Immediately after, I stumbled across an article (despite having researched this for the most of 2017 but to no avail) that said that it might be due to the lack of iron, which I can easily relate to easily. Had the iron pill within the same day, and saw an immediate result in the next by having a 5km run at 6:06 pace. Of course it was at 89% effort level, but it was a big relief knowing that my problem would have a solution.
So MWM 2018 was only at HM distance but I was very anxious about the race. Yes I may have hit some decent paces at training, but you can never know for sure. I adopted the training plan from the book. My last longrun prior to the race was done at 6’12 for 18km. 

The race was on a 10km loop. We have to make 2 loops to make 21km. Lucky I had only registered for a half marathon. I had my first taste of marathon baker during that time, and was a big fan of that ever since. I performed my solat somewhere along the way. I had my wudhu right before the race started. Since I had to make sure that I cleared my bladder before race started. I brought my telekung and some newspaper. The race went very well, considering my condition at that time. Shah Alam was known with hills, so it was not an easy feat. Managed to charge my throttle at the finish line and finished strong at 2:08:42, after minusing the prayer time off. It was slightly under distance. So that gave me a decent timing in return. It was good to know a crash training worked. I just need to continue on with the next real mission of the marathon.

Timing for SCKLM 2018 was very limited. it was only slightly over a month. I haven't adopted the plan that I'm currently adopting from the book, but I could see already vast training stimuli. But still, as I looked back at my Strava, it was not that structured.

So come race day, I knew I was in a better shape than previous years. The prob with the route in 2018 was that, it was known to have very key killer hilly section. So I need to tackle it the best strategy I could. My pacing was quite well the first 10km. It got a bit faster than it should for the 2nd 10km. I stopped for prayer during this window and we had to stop at the petrol station unlike before. It was a proper prayer stop arranged by the organiser, but you know, we need to go a bit inside and the space was a bit small. The 3rd 10km was done pretty well as well. I like the DUKE section, where you get to control the whole highway all for yourself. The real deal started at km32. Nothing was expected on those stretches, just smile and walk up. Didn't even try to challenge myself by running it, I knew full well not to go against the course of nature. But it was still a big accomplishment for me. Training outdoors had definitely gave the benefit of hills instead of flatness of a treadmill.  My specialty then was downhill, so I tried to recover as I was going down. This has turned out negatively after SCKLM 2018. Story on that later.

I was feeling quite great for the race. I got the pacing well. The area that I lacked, was totally anticipated. But the breaking 4:30 mission was crushed again. Both official timing and own timing. but it was good enough that it was sub a 4:35. Should discount myself due to its tough course. So I should take it with open heart. It was a hard fought training and hard fought race. It was decent enough given a mere 2 months of training. This race was very much a come back to where i left off race rather than progressing ahead race. At the time of writing, it was already 1 year plus since the race. I changed a lot of my training regime since then. The theme at that time was still anywhere lesser than 70km maximum mileage, with 2 months of training. Given those circumstances, the achievement was actually huge. It's one of the most satisfying races, better than Berlin. Hope to have a more satisfying one for the upcoming SCKLM 2019.

SCKLM 2018

Date: 8 April 2018
Venue: Dataran Merdeka
Distance: 42.2 km
Position: 59
Official Time: 4:39:22
Personal Time: 4:33:07
Pace: 6:28

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